Shows - 2018
Set 1: The Overture , Once The Fiddler Paid , The Very Moon 1 > Voices Insane , Eulogy Set 2: Bazaar Escape , Mulberry's Dream , Above The Waves , Hot Air Balloon 2 Set 3: Helicopters 3 > Mr. Don 4 > The Great Abyss > Helicopters Encore 1: Run Like Hell
1 w/ Holly Bowling (as Leora) on piano
2 w/ NYE countdown
3 with NYE Lyrics
4 unfinished
Set 1: Frog Legs > Feeling Twisted 1 > Catalyst 2 > Morph Dusseldorf 3 > Down To The Bottom Set 2: Eulogy 4 , House Dog Party Favor , Mindless Dribble > Crickets 5 > Sabre Dance 6 Encore 1: Svenghali
1 unfinished
2 1st time inverted
3 inverted; last time inverted 5/27/2005 (658 shows)
4 LTP 12/27/2013 (165 shows)
5 inverted
6 LTP 7/18/2015 (117 shows)
Set 1: 42 , Resurrection > Naeba 1 > Pilin' It High 2 Set 2: Reactor > Orch Theme > I-Man > Gangster > I-Man > Orch Theme > Reactor Encore 1: Barfly 3
1 inverted
2 Perfume version
3 LTP 12/26/2014 (136 shows)
Set 1: Basis For A Day > Crystal Ball > Basis For A Day , Stone > The Devil's Waltz Set 2: Hope > Highwire 1 > Hope , 7-11 2 > Dance Of The Sugarplum Fairies , Haleakala Crater 3 Encore 1: Floes
1 inverted
2 unfinished
3 LTP 12/27/04 (675 shows)
Set 1: Once The Fiddler Paid , Rockafella , Shelby Rose 1 > The Champions > Kamaole Sands 2 , Rio 3 Set 2: Munchkin Invasion > Caterpillar 4 > Munchkin Invasion , Caves of the East > Digital Buddha > Cyclone > Digital Buddha , Morph Dusseldorf
1 unfinished
2 completes 12/12 version
3 w/ Brendan Bayliss (Umphrey's McGee) on guitar and vocals
4 completes 12/9 version
Set 1: After Midnight > Confrontation 1 > Exodus 2 > Watching the Wheels 3 , Echoes 4
1 inverted
2 LTP 7/15/2017 (49 shows)
3 FTP (John Lennon)
4 LTP 1/25/2013 (178 shows)
Set 1: On Time , Vassillios > Air Song 1 > Astronaut , Jigsaw Earth Set 2: Let's Dance > Kamaole Sands 1 > The Bionic Helix > Papercut > Helicopters 2
1 unfinished
2 completes 12/9 version
Set 1: The Overture , Aceetobee > Tricycle > Aceetobee , House Dog Party Favor Set 2: Nughuffer > Aquatic Ape 1 > Caterpillar 2 > Spraypaint , Helicopters 2 > Nughuffer Encore 1: Kitchen Mitts
1 inverted
2 unfinished
Set 1: Pygmy Twylyte > Spaga > Shem-Rah Boo , The Bridge , Rivers Set 2: Strobelights and Martinis > Miracles > Gangster > Miracles > Radiator 1 , Little Shimmy In A Conga Line Encore 1: Home Again
1 LTP 2/22/2014 (145 shows)
Set 1: High Speed Racer , Magellan > Loose Change 1 > Grass Is Green 2 > Magellan Set 2: King of the World , Mulberry's Dream 3 > Humuhumunukunukuapua'a 2 > Sound One , And the Ladies Were the Rest of the Night Encore 1: I Remember When
1 LTP 10/26/17 (38 shows)
2 inverted
3 unfinished
Set 1: The Tunnel 1 > Spectacle 2 , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. > We Like To Party > Rock Candy 3 , Save The Robots Set 2: Spectacle 2 > Spacebirdmatingcall , Hope , Reactor > Crickets 4 > Reactor Encore 1: Portal To An Empty Head
1 unfinished
2 dyslexic
3 completes 10/20 version
4 inverted
Set 1: 7-11 1 > Above The Waves 2 > Minions > Voices Insane Set 2: Sweating Bullets , Resurrection > I-Man , Knights of Cydonia 3 , Story of the World Encore 1: World Is Spinning
1 unfinished
2 inverted
3 LTP 6/4/2016 (80 shows)
Set 1: Little Lai 1 > A Fifth of Beethoven , Digital Buddha > Pilin' It High 2 1 > Abraxas 3 > Digital Buddha Set 2: Hot Air Balloon > Bernstein and Chasnoff 3 > Miracles > Run Like Hell > Hot Air Balloon Encore 1: Home > Run Like Hell
1 unfinished
2 Perfume version
3 inverted
Set 1: 1999 > Astronaut , Jigsaw Earth > Triumph > Jigsaw Earth Set 2: Safety Dance > Little Betty Boop 1 > Spraypaint Encore 1: Floes
1 middle only
Set 1: Confrontation > I Feel Love > Confrontation , After Midnight > Basis For A Day > Neck Romancer 1 2 > Basis For A Day Set 2: Crystal Ball , Little Shimmy In A Conga Line > Tempest > Little Shimmy In A Conga Line , Suspicious Minds 3 Encore 1: Munchkin Invasion
1 unfinished
2 LTP 8/27/2016 (68 shows)
3 LTP 2/6/2016 (80 shows)
Set 1: 42 > The Very Moon > Orch Theme > 42 Set 2: Rockafella , Helicopters > Feeling Twisted > Rock Candy 1 2 > Helicopters , Morph Dusseldorf Encore 1: House Dog Party Favor
1 with Feeling Twisted teases
2 unfinished
Set 1: Uber Glue > Caterpillar > Miracles > Air Song 1 > Miracles > Uber Glue > Caterpillar Set 2: Rivers , Catalyst > The Great Abyss > Boom Shanker > Mr. Don Encore 1: Portal To An Empty Head
1 unfinished
Set 1: On Time , Munchkin Invasion > I-Man > Little Betty Boop 1 > Tricycle > Story of the World 2 > I-Man , Therapy 2 > Munchkin Invasion , Mulberry's Dream
1 middle only
2 unfinished
Set 1: Sound One 1 , 1999 2 > Pilin' It High 3 , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. 4 > Digital Buddha 2 , Abraxas 5 > Mindless Dribble 6 5 > Confrontation 7 2 Set 2: Hot Air Balloon > Gangster > We Like To Party > Helicopters 7 Set 3: Above The Waves 5 > Crickets 8 > Minions > Orch Theme > Hot Air Balloon , Basis For A Day
1 Perfume version (honky-tonk)
2 Tractorbeam version
3 Perfume version
4 Perfume version (Beastie Boys)
5 unfinished
6 Perfume version (dub)
7 end only
8 middle only
Set 1: Shem-Rah Boo > Tribulations 1 > Pimp Blue Rikki 2 > Shem-Rah Boo , Strobelights and Martinis > Rio Set 2: Rivers , Caterpillar > Voices Insane 3 > Sweating Bullets > Caterpillar
1 FTP (LCD Soundsystem)
2 w/ ‘Tribulations’ tease
3 unfinished