Shows - 1998
Set 1: The Overture , Once The Fiddler Paid , The Very Moon , Voices Insane > Eulogy , Bazaar Escape > Mulberry's Dream , Above The Waves , Hot Air Balloon 1 Set 2: Helicopters , Bernstein and Chasnoff > Nughuffer 2 > Bernstein and Chasnoff , Frog Legs , Magellan , Awol's Blues , Plan B Encore 1: Rainbow Song , 1999
1 First time played.
2 Completes 12/30 version.
Set 1: Aquatic Ape , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. > Aceetobee , The Very Moon , Helicopters Set 2: Little Betty Boop , Nughuffer 1 > Vassillios 2 > Mindless Dribble , Eulogy 3 , Three Wishes Encore 1: Radiator , I-Man
1 unfinished
2 with 'Basis For A Day' teases
3 first time played
Set 1: Pat And Dex , Run Like Hell 1 > Shem-Rah Boo , Smoothie King , Morph Dusseldorf , Mulberry's Dream Set 2: Norwegian Wood , Above The Waves 2 , Barfly , Trooper McCue , Bazaar Escape , Basis For A Day , Boogie Stop Shuffle , Little Shimmy In A Conga Line , Pygmy Twylyte > Run Like Hell Encore 1: Plan B > Magellan , Wet , Mr. Don
1 With '1999' fakeout.
2 First time played.
Set 1: Mulberry's Dream , Three Wishes , Vassillios > Helicopters > Dance Of The Sugarplum Fairies , Mary Had A Little Lamb , Wet , Nughuffer > Little Shimmy In A Conga Line 1 , The Very Moon 2 , Trooper McCue > Basis For A Day 3 > Trooper McCue , Plan B
1 Completes 12/3 version.
2 First time played.
3 Ending only.
Set 1: Three Wishes , Morph Dusseldorf , Run Like Hell , Magellan , Jamillia , Mulberry's Dream , 1999
Set 1: Shem-Rah Boo , Bazaar Escape , Once The Fiddler Paid , I-Man > Pat And Dex , Three Wishes , Mindless Dribble , The Overture , Basis For A Day > Bernstein and Chasnoff > Basis For A Day Encore 1: Voices Insane , Barfly
Set 1: Plan B > Helicopters > Aceetobee , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. , Vassillios > Dance Of The Sugarplum Fairies > Vassillios > Helicopters Set 2: Bazaar Escape , Little Betty Boop > Mulberry's Dream , Three Wishes 1 , Smoothie King , Pygmy Twylyte , Morph Dusseldorf Encore 1: Little Shimmy In A Conga Line > Nughuffer
1 FTP (tDB original)
Set 1: Smoothie King , Mulberry's Dream , The Overture , Mindless Dribble 1 , Helicopters , Frog Legs Set 2: Run Like Hell , Once The Fiddler Paid , Plan B , Little Betty Boop > Bazaar Escape 2 , Mary Had A Little Lamb , Aquatic Ape , Voices Insane , Barfly , Bernstein and Chasnoff , A Night In Tunisia , Pygmy Twylyte
1 With 'The Overture' tease.
2 First time played.
Set 1: Little Shimmy In A Conga Line , Morph Dusseldorf , Radiator > Aceetobee , Wet Set 2: Trooper McCue , Boogie Stop Shuffle , Magellan , I-Man , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. , Smoothie King Encore 1: Plan B
Set 1: Barfly , Down To The Bottom , Morph Dusseldorf > Basis For A Day Set 2: My Lady Survives , Pat And Dex > Vassillios > Pat And Dex , Nughuffer > Pygmy Twylyte > Nughuffer
Set 1: Magellan , 1999 , Shem-Rah Boo , Aquatic Ape , Plan B > Helicopters > Mindless Dribble , Rainbow Song , Voices Insane , Mr. Don > Helicopters Encore 1: Mulberry's Dream
Set 1: Voices Insane , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. , Plan B , Little Shimmy In A Conga Line > Run Like Hell > Little Shimmy In A Conga Line , Mulberry's Dream , Jamillia , Smoothie King , I-Man , Little Betty Boop Encore 1: Pygmy Twylyte
Set 1: Magellan , Mulberry's Dream , Voices Insane , Awol's Blues 1 , Smoothie King 1 , Texas Pussy 1 , Plan B , Vassillios > Aceetobee , Poncho The Cat 2 , Morph Dusseldorf
1 With Tony Furtado on banjo.
2 First time played.
Set 1: Plan B , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. > I-Man > Radiator > Basis For A Day Set 2: Mulberry's Dream , Mr. Don , Mary Had A Little Lamb , Voices Insane , Little Betty Boop , Frog Legs , Magellan , Smoothie King , Jamillia Encore 1: Vocal Jam > Helicopters
Set 1: Straight, No Chaser , Little Shimmy In A Conga Line , Once The Fiddler Paid , Shem-Rah Boo , Mulberry's Dream , Pat And Dex Set 2: All Blues > Norwegian Wood , Voices Insane , Smoothie King , Plan B , Wet , Nughuffer , Vassillios > Soul Sacrifice
Set 1: Plan B > Mindless Dribble , Morph Dusseldorf , I-Man , Smoothie King Set 2: Helicopters > Trooper McCue > Helicopters > Trooper McCue , Voices Insane 1 , Aceetobee , Mulberry's Dream , Barfly , Pygmy Twylyte > Bernstein and Chasnoff , The Overture
1 First time played.
Set 1: Little Betty Boop > Vassillios > Magellan , Mulberry's Dream , Once The Fiddler Paid Set 2: Shem-Rah Boo , Smoothie King 1 , Little Shimmy In A Conga Line , Plan B 1 , Run Like Hell , Pat And Dex Encore 1: Barfly
1 FTP (tDB original)
Set 1: Morph Dusseldorf , Aceetobee , M.E.M.P.H.I.S. , Basis For A Day , I-Man , Mindless Dribble , Helicopters Encore 1: Stone > The Devil's Waltz Encore 2: Jamillia